Study 18: The 2,300 Day Prophecy

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Asterisks mark Scriptures which are included in the Audio presentation

*Daniel 8:1-12 - Vision of the world empires and the "little horn" which casts down the place of God's sanctuary

*Daniel 8:18-25 - The interpretation of the vision

*Daniel 8:13-17 - The sanctuary cleansed in 2300 days

Ezekiel 4:6 - I have appointed thee each day for a year

*Daniel 8:26-27 - Shut up the vision; none understood it

*Daniel 9:21-27 - Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people [refer back to Study #2 "The Messiah" time chart to see that the 70 prophetic weeks are actually 490 literal years from 457 B.C. to 34 A.D. and that Jesus fulfilled that 70th week]

*Ezra 7:6-11 - The commandment to go forth and rebuild Jerusalem- 457 B.C. in the Fall-the only decree which restores the civil state and agrees with Christ's death

*Daniel 9:23-24 - Strong's Concordance-Dictionary: 70 weeks are determined - Hebrew: Chathak (Khaw-thak') meaning- "cut off". Seventy weeks are determined, set aside, cut off from the earlier vision of 2300 days. See the color handout "The Five Links That Tie Daniel 8 to Daniel 9". There were no chapter divisions in the original Hebrew text. Since the 70 week messianic prophecy is beautifully fulfilled by applying the Bible principle of a prophetic day equaling a literal year, and since the 70 weeks are "cut off" from the previous vision of 2300 days, then to be consistent, we would have to apply a day for a year to the 2300 day prophecy also. This would become 2300 literal years of time beginning at 457 B.C. (Fall) [see time chart].

*Hebrews 9:23-28 - Heavenly things purified with better sacrifices than the earthly

*Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-12 - By His own blood Christ entered in once into the Holy Place

*Daniel 12:4-13 - The time of the end of the 2300 Day prophecy

*Revelation 14:6-7 - The hour of His judgement is come

*Daniel 7:8-14 - I beheld till the thrones were cast down (placed)

*James 2:10-12 - We shall be judged by the Law of Liberty

*Ecc. 12:13-14 - Fear God and keep His commandments; every work is judged

*Rev. 22:11-21 - The close of probation and the second coming of Christ