Study 22: The Seven Last Plagues

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Asterisks mark Scriptures which are included in the Audio presentation

*Rev. 15:7-8; 16:1-21 - Seven last plagues are poured out upon those who have the Mark of the Beast and worship his Image

  • Armageddon - Hebrew is Mount Meggido - There is no such literal place - This battle is literally fought against God's people all over the world

  • The Dragon - Spiritism

  • The Beast - Catholicism

  • The False Prophet - Apostate Protestantism

Rev. 19:7-21; 20:1-2 - Christ comes to take His people home to the marriage supper of the Lamb

I Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-6 - Two classes of people exist when Christ comes

*Exodus 7:20-21 - Among the 10 plagues of Egypt was the plague of blood

*Exodus 8:20-23 - The plague of flys; God protects His people

*Exodus 9:1-7 - The plague of a deadly disease in the animals of the Egyptians only

*Exodus 9:8-11 - The plague of boils among the Egyptians and the magicians

*Exodus 9:22-26 - Terrible hailstones and fire come to the Egyptians only

*Exodus 10:21-23 - Thick darkness in Egypt, but the Israelites have light in their dwellings

Exodus 12:12-13 - The firstborn of all the Egyptians die; The Sphinx has an inscription by the successor of the Pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea

Isaiah 32:17-19 - We are promised protection and safety during plagues

*Psalms 91:9-10 - "Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

Psalms 46:1-3 - We will not fear even though the world comes to an end

*Isaiah 33:15-16 - Our bread and our water shall be sure

James 5:1-3 - The riches which men pile up in the last days will be worthless

Isaiah 2:17-22 - Men will cast their silver and gold to the moles and bats and hide in the rocks

Rev. 14:9-10 - These events center around the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast

I Kings 18:15-21 - "How long halt ye between two opinions?"

*Joel 3:13-16 - Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision when the day of the Lord is near

*Rev. 22:17-21 - The Spirit and the bride say, "Come".